About Me

I’ve always been a Do It Yourself kind of guy.   The type that would rather buy the tools necessary to perform a task, than pay someone else to do the job.   My father was wired the same way, always buying new tools and taking on projects; I think I inherited this mindset from him.   From an early age I can remember helping him with projects, or so I thought I was.   I still remember his favorite joke of saying “here, you hold this, and when you’re ready, nod your head and I’ll hit it.”   Ha, I figured that one out really quick!

We shared a common philosophy; even if the tools cost us more, the next time around we would have the tools and the knowledge to do the job ourselves.   Well over the years I gained experience in many of the trades, and accumulated a shop full of tools.

I still remember my first “real” woodworking project, not the things I built in cub scouts, or shop classes in school; yes, I grew up during those golden years when schools still had wood shop, art, and music classes.     I was in college and I needed a bookcase for my room, but I wanted something nicer than the standard college student stand-by of a couple pine boards stacked on some cinder blocks.   So, I ventured into the university’s student shop and built a traditional style bookcase out of maple, with ogee bracket feet and leaded glass doors.   It was a real piece of furniture, and it still remains in the family today.

That bookcase was 40+ years ago and now I’m a retired accountant with time to pursue my passion.   I call it my passion because it’s been the one steady activity, I’ve enjoyed my entire adult life.   From building furniture, to home remodeling projects, I’ve always been eager to take on a new project, and buy some new tools.   I’m always encouraging others to take on a project they feel reluctant to attempt, telling them “you’d be surprised what you can do yourself with just have a little guidance.”   Well today with the online DIY resources available from blog sites and YouTube, that guidance is just a few clicks away for anyone adventurous enough to try.

I started The Swenson Woodshop website and YouTube channel because I thought it would be a great way to share my passion for woodworking and DIY projects, and hopefully help educate a new generation of woodworkers and Do-It-Yourselfer’s.   Even now, in my retirement years, I’m still using these resources for learning how to do something new, or something old, better.

I also think it’s a great way for my grown boys to keep up to date with what dad’s doing.   Hi boys!

Now get out in your shop and build something.

Greg Swenson